On 27th feb India will see the release of the much awaited film The Invisible Target starring Jaycee Chan. The movie marks the debut of Jaycee Chan, son of the legendry movie star Jackie Chan.
Jaycee Chan is the son of the International famous comedy and action star, Jackie Chan and Taiwnese actress Feng-Jiao Lin.
He was born Chan Jo-Ming, but changed his surname to Fong/Fang in February
of 2004 as this is his true ancestral name. Although this is his name in the Eastern hemisphere, his name remains "Jaycee Chan" in the Western hemisphere with a few sources listing him as "Jaycee Fong".
"I am very excited about my film releasing in India. I have seen some Bollywood films – they have so much colour, the songs are very catchy and the stars are so beautiful!" gushes Jackie on his Indian debut.
What does Jaycee have to say about his dad? "My dad has been great. Even though we have not spent too much time together he has always been there for me whenever I needed him." Replies Jaycee to this
common question.
So does Jaycee plan to follow his father's footsteps? "My father as a legacy that is very special and I'm not sure I want to follow his footsteps right now. I am scared that I may spoil his legacy if I fall short in any way.
There are bound to be comparisons. But I must say – there is no one like my dad."
Jaycee, who attended The College of William & Mary, is an actor, singer, composer, lyricist, and guitarist. He also plays the piano, drums, and bass guitar. He released his first, self-titled, CD, "Jaycee" on September
15, 2004. This CD, for which he composed the music and wrote the lyrics for 10 of the 13 tracks, earned him many music awards in Asia for Best New Male Singer.
In addition, Jaycee is active in many charities that include children's charities, help for research of organ diseases, natural disaster relief funds, and wildlife awareness public service campaigns in Asia.
Jaycee is currently quite popular in Hong Kong and Mainland China. He is fluent in English, Cantonese and Mandarin. In addition to his musical and acting skills, Jaycee is noted for his sincerity, impeccable manners,
subtle humor and cheerfulness.
Born two days after his parents got married.
Is a talented musician.
In the US, he took boxing lessons.
Hobbies include: Playing basketball, street style dancing, fishing, photography and computers.
He is a spokesperson for: Coca Cola (China), Kangta Shoes (a sportswear clothing line / sporting goods company in China), Cardanro (casual wear for men section in this full clothing line company of formal and casual
wear for men and women).
He made an agreement with his parents that if his first film, "The Huadu Chronicles; Blade of the Rose" aka "Twins Effect II" had failed at the box office; he would quit the entertainment business and return to the US to
finish his degree at The College of William and Mary.
While promoting his first CD in Mainland China's high schools, he listened to the students' hopes, dreams, worries and desires, then sang an impromptu song with lyrics based on what the students had just told
Posed for renowned Singaporean photographer Leslie Kee for Kee's 2006 charity photo-book "Super Stars", dedicated to the victims of the 2004 Asian tsunami disaster, which consists of photographs (mostly erotic) of
300 Asian celebrities by Kee.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 10:29 IST